
Friday, 9 April 2010

Finished Clothing

My first try wasn't really that good cause the leather jacket was a bit too stiff. So Andy and George suggested that I do it again.
On Buckle's Jacket I lowered the Input Mesh Attract values and painted Input Attract as Vertex Properties in parts where the jacket should stay in place.

The shoulder part and the collar of the jacket should be stiffer than the bottom part hence the higher values (white=1; black=0)

Here's the finished nCloth on the animated model.

For Dodger's sleeves I needed to do exactly the opposite, since his sleeves are more silk like. I actually used the nCloth preset for silk to start with. Because both sleeves are separate meshes I had to constrain them to the mesh of the body otherwise the sleeves would have just fallen of the arms to that I used 'point to surface' constrains. I also painted in some wrinkle values to get the wrinkles in the right parts.

Wrinkle values painted onto the mesh to create wrinkles near the wrist. It's basically the same procedure as with the Input Attract values.

And the finished nCloth on the animated character.

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