
Wednesday, 31 March 2010


Next step for the "Corked" Project is making a gooey chilly liquid. So far I only had to play around with it, so I didn't go crazy on the settings. Just tried to make it quite viscose and sticky, as it has to stick to the bars of the cell eventually.
Here's a little test render!
I used Maya nParticles with the nucleus solver. I really like this solver it's really easy to use and it's the first time that Maya comes close the results you get in RealFlow. As I said before I didn't put high values for the settings, so the mesh is quite rough and you can clearly see the particle shapes. Those problems will be solved when I get to do the real one, but there's one problem I haven'tthought about before and I only realised now. The bump map attached to the mesh stays in 3D space so while the particles fly through the air, the map stands still. You can't probably see that because of the bad quality of the render, but it is noticeable. I have no idea how to fix that right now, but I'll find a way!

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