
Monday, 15 February 2010

Problems, problems, problems (Part1)

First of all we have a new addition to our team. Simon Carter is going to be the producer and the sound designer. It's good to have someone on the team who's more sober-minded. Me and Oddne get kind of carried away at times.
As the title says the last two weeks have been literally just about problem solving. Luckily we weren't so naive to think that everything we had planned would turn out fine just by plain doing it. We're trying a lot of stuff we haven't done before, including the use of software we haven't really used before. The first little problem was my initial Matte Painting (the one I did on the last blog entry). I guess I was just starring at it for too long to not realize that it had a lot of flaws. Some elements (particularly the bridge) didn't quite look like they'd actually belong into the scene. The lighting was not well thought through and it all looked a bit packed. So I went home (crying!!! No not really) and did a new one. This time less complicated but better!!! So I just got a nice sky picture, a simple floor texture and a solid block of buildings from a city. I figured since there's only a tiny amount of movement of the camera there aren't any parallax issues to consider plus the buildings would be too far away.

The floor ground is made out of two ground pictures plus the two cracks. I added lots of masks and adjustment layers to each element to get the right result. To match the lighting of the building to the sky I actually had to relit the buildings in Photoshop.
Here is the original picture of the buildings with the original lighting. Notice the difference!

After showing my team mates the new Matte Painting I got the reaction I wanted. We then decided to keep the idea of a decayed bridge as a fore/mid ground element, but we're going to build it in 3D to have more control over it.

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