If the texture path reads: "C:/Users/Project/sourceimages/texture.jpg"
It changes it to : "//sourceimages/texture.jpg"
When the right project is set, the texture can be found by maya, regardless on what computer your working on.
global proc PS_texture_path_rename(){
// find all the textures in the scene
string $tex[] = `ls -textures`;
string $newPath;
for($each in $tex){
// get the file texture path
string $path = `getAttr ($each + ".ftn")`;
// converts the path in to a string array
string $array[] = stringToStringArray($path, "/");
// get the size of the array
int $size = size($array);
// create the new path by deleting everything but the souceimages and the file name
$newPath = "//"+$array[$size-2]+ "/" +$array[$size-1];
// set the new path to the texture
setAttr -type "string" ($each+".fileTextureName") $newPath;
// save the file as a maya ASCII
file -f -save -options "v=0" -type "mayaAscii";